Source code for pkgbuilder.pbds

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# PKGBUILDer v4.3.2
# An AUR helper (and library) in Python 3.
# Copyright © 2011-2023, Chris Warrick.
# See /LICENSE for licensing information.

PKGBUILDer Data Storage.

:Copyright: © 2011-2023, Chris Warrick.
:License: BSD (see /LICENSE).

from . import _, __version__
import pkgbuilder
import pkgbuilder.ui
import sys
import os
import logging
import subprocess
import pycman
import pkg_resources
import configparser

__all__ = ('PBDS',)

[docs]class PBDS(object): """PKGBUILDer Data Storage.""" # For fancy-schmancy messages stolen from makepkg. colors = { 'all_off': '\x1b[1;0m', 'bold': '\x1b[1;1m', 'blue': '\x1b[1;1m\x1b[1;34m', 'green': '\x1b[1;1m\x1b[1;32m', 'red': '\x1b[1;1m\x1b[1;31m', 'yellow': '\x1b[1;1m\x1b[1;33m' } pacman = False fetch = False validation = True depcheck = True pkginst = True clean = False pgpcheck = True confirm = True deepclone = False depcheck = True vcsupgrade = False colors_status = True # TRANSLATORS: see makepkg. inttext = _('Aborted by user! Exiting...') # TRANSLATORS: see pacman. wrapperinttext = _('Interrupt signal received\n') edit_pkgbuild = False # STUFF NOT TO BE CHANGED BY HUMAN BEINGS. EVER. mp1 = '==' mp2 = ' ' debug = False console = None _pyc = None hassudo = os.path.exists('/usr/bin/sudo') uid = os.geteuid() # Creating the configuration/log stuff... confhome = os.getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME') if confhome is None: confhome = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/') kwdir = os.path.join(confhome, 'kwpolska') confdir = os.path.join(kwdir, 'pkgbuilder') confpath = os.path.join(confdir, 'pkgbuilder.ini') if not os.path.exists(confhome): os.mkdir(confhome) if not os.path.exists(kwdir): os.mkdir(kwdir) if not os.path.exists(confdir): os.mkdir(confdir) if not os.path.exists(confpath): with open(confpath, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(pkg_resources.resource_string( 'pkgbuilder', 'data/pkgbuilder.ini.skel')) # Configuration file support config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read_string(pkg_resources.resource_string( 'pkgbuilder', 'data/pkgbuilder.ini.skel').decode('utf-8'))[confpath], encoding='utf-8') if os.getenv('PACMAN') is None: paccommand = config.get('extras', 'paccommand', fallback='pacman') else: paccommand = os.getenv('PACMAN') # Language changing language = config.get('PKGBUILDer', 'language') if language != 'auto': pkgbuilder.T = pkgbuilder.gettext.translation( 'pkgbuilder', '/usr/share/locale', languages=[language], fallback='C') pkgbuilder.G = pkgbuilder.T.gettext logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)-15s [%(levelname)-7s] ' ':%(name)-10s: %(message)s', filename=os.path.join(confdir, 'pkgbuilder.log'), level=logging.DEBUG) log = logging.getLogger('pkgbuilder')'*** PKGBUILDer v' + __version__)
[docs] def get_setting(self, name, config_section, config_option, positive, negative): """Get the value of a setting, based on config file and arguments. :param str name: name of setting, used for error on conflict :param bool config_section: configuration file section :param bool config_option: configuration file option :param bool positive: positive argument :param bool negative: negative argument :return: the value requested by the user, defaults to config :rtype: bool """ config = s = self.config.getboolean(config_section, config_option) if positive: s = True elif negative: s = False if positive and negative: print( _("warning: conflicting values for setting {0}, " "using {1}").format(name, config)) s = config return s
def _pycreload(self): """Reload pycman, without UI fanciness.""" self._pyc = pycman.config.init_with_config('/etc/pacman.conf')
[docs] def pycreload(self): """Reload pycman.""" msg = _('Initializing pacman access...') with pkgbuilder.ui.Throbber(msg, printback=False): self._pyc = pycman.config.init_with_config('/etc/pacman.conf') sys.stdout.write('\r' + ((len(msg) + 4) * ' ') + '\r')
@property def pyc(self): """Return a pycman handle, initializing one if necessary.""" if not self._pyc: self.pycreload() return self._pyc
[docs] def run_command(self, args, prepend=None, asonearg=False): """ Run a command. .. note:: Accepts only one command. ``shell=False``, for safety. asonearg is for ``su -c`` and most people don’t need nor want it. .. note:: since version, ``args`` must be a list. """ if prepend is None: prepend = [] if asonearg: return + [' '.join(args)]) else: return + args)
[docs] def sudo(self, args): """ Run as root. Uses ``sudo`` if present, ``su -c`` otherwise, nothing if already running as root. .. note:: Accepts only one command. `shell=False`, for safety. """ if self.uid != 0: if self.hassudo: return self.run_command(args, prepend=['sudo']) else: return self.run_command(args, prepend=['su', '-c'], asonearg=True) else: return self.run_command(args)
[docs] def root_crash(self): """Crash if running as root.""" if self.uid == 0: self.log.error('running as root, crashing') self.fancy_error(_('Running as root is not allowed as it can ' 'cause catastrophic damage to your system!')) self.fancy_error(_('Please restart PKGBUILDer as a regular user.')) sys.exit(255)
[docs] def debugmode(self, nochange=False): """Print all the logged messages to stderr.""" if not self.debug: self.console = logging.StreamHandler() self.console.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('[%(levelname)-7s] ' ':%(name)-10s: %(message)s')) logging.getLogger('').addHandler(self.console) self.debug = True self.mp1 = self.mp2 = 'pb' elif self.debug and nochange: pass else: logging.getLogger('').removeHandler(self.console) self.debug = False self.mp1 = '==' self.mp2 = ' '
[docs] def colorson(self): """Enable colors.""" self.colors = { 'all_off': '\x1b[1;0m', 'bold': '\x1b[1;1m', 'blue': '\x1b[1;1m\x1b[1;34m', 'green': '\x1b[1;1m\x1b[1;32m', 'red': '\x1b[1;1m\x1b[1;31m', 'yellow': '\x1b[1;1m\x1b[1;33m' }
[docs] def colorsoff(self): """Disable colors.""" self.colors = { 'all_off': '', 'bold': '', 'blue': '', 'green': '', 'red': '', 'yellow': '' }
[docs] def fancy_msg(self, text): """Display main messages.""" sys.stderr.write(self.colors['green'] + self.mp1 + '>' + self.colors['all_off'] + self.colors['bold'] + ' ' + text + self.colors['all_off'] + '\n')'({0:<20}) {1}'.format('fancy_msg', text))
[docs] def fancy_msg_prompt(self, text): """Display main messages that ask a question.""" sys.stderr.write(self.colors['green'] + self.mp1 + '>' + self.colors['all_off'] + self.colors['bold'] + ' ' + text + self.colors['all_off']) sys.stderr.flush()'({0:<20}) {1} \n'.format('fancy_msg', text)) return input()
[docs] def fancy_msg2(self, text): """Display sub-messages.""" sys.stderr.write(self.colors['blue'] + self.mp2 + '->' + self.colors['all_off'] + self.colors['bold'] + ' ' + text + self.colors['all_off'] + '\n')'({0:<20}) {1}'.format('fancy_msg2', text))
[docs] def fancy_warning(self, text): """Display warning messages.""" sys.stderr.write(self.colors['yellow'] + self.mp1 + '> ' + _('WARNING:') + self.colors['all_off'] + self.colors['bold'] + ' ' + text + self.colors['all_off'] + '\n') self.log.warning('({0:<20}) {1}'.format('fancy_warning', text))
[docs] def fancy_warning2(self, text): """Display warning sub-messages.""" sys.stderr.write(self.colors['yellow'] + self.mp2 + '->' + self.colors['all_off'] + self.colors['bold'] + ' ' + text + self.colors['all_off'] + '\n') self.log.warning('({0:<20}) {1}'.format('fancy_warning2', text))
[docs] def fancy_error(self, text): """Display error messages.""" sys.stderr.write(self.colors['red'] + self.mp1 + '> ' + _('ERROR:') + self.colors['all_off'] + self.colors['bold'] + ' ' + text + self.colors['all_off'] + '\n') self.log.error('({0:<20}) {1}'.format('fancy_error', text))
[docs] def fancy_error2(self, text): """Display error sub-messages.""" sys.stderr.write(self.colors['red'] + self.mp2 + '->' + self.colors['all_off'] + self.colors['bold'] + ' ' + text + self.colors['all_off'] + '\n') self.log.error('({0:<20}) {1}'.format('fancy_error2', text))