Source code for pkgbuilder.upgrade

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# PKGBUILDer v4.3.2
# An AUR helper (and library) in Python 3.
# Copyright © 2011-2023, Chris Warrick.
# See /LICENSE for licensing information.

Tools for performing upgrades of AUR packages.

:Copyright: © 2011-2023, Chris Warrick.
:License: BSD (see /LICENSE).

from . import DS, _
import pkgbuilder.ui
import pkgbuilder.utils
import pyalpm
import datetime

__all__ = ('gather_foreign_pkgs', 'list_upgradable', 'auto_upgrade')

[docs]def gather_foreign_pkgs(): """Gather a list of all foreign packages.""" localdb = DS.pyc.get_localdb() # Based on installed = [p for p in localdb.pkgcache] repo = [] aur = [] syncdbs = DS.pyc.get_syncdbs() for sdb in syncdbs: for ipkg in installed: if sdb.get_pkg( repo.append(ipkg) aur = set(set(installed) - set(repo)) # Return foreign packages. return dict([(, p) for p in aur])
[docs]def list_upgradable(pkglist, vcsup=False, aurcache=None, ignorelist=None): """Compare package versions and returns upgradable ones. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.9 """ localdb = DS.pyc.get_localdb() if ignorelist is None: ignorelist = [] if aurcache: aurlist = aurcache else: aurlist = # It’s THAT easy. Oh, and by the way: it is much, MUCH faster than # others. It makes only a handful of multiinfo requests (1-2 on most # systems) rather than len(installed_packages) info requests. upgradable = [] downgradable = [] ignored = [] for rpkg in aurlist: lpkg = localdb.get_pkg( if lpkg is not None: vc = pyalpm.vercmp(rpkg.version, lpkg.version) if vc > 0 and not in ignorelist: upgradable.append([, lpkg.version, rpkg.version]) elif vc > 0 and in ignorelist: DS.log.warning("{0} ignored for upgrade.".format( ignored.append([, lpkg.version, rpkg.version]) elif vc < 0: # If the package version is a date or the name ends in # -{git,hg,bzr,svn,cvs,darcs}, do not mark it as downgradable. # BTW: the above is yours truly’s list of VCS preference, if # you added big a gap between git and hg and then HUGE gaps # between everything else. try: # For epoch packages. Also, cheating here. v = rpkg.version.split(':')[1] except IndexError: v = rpkg.version try: datetime.datetime.strptime(v.split('-')[0], '%Y%m%d') datever = True except Exception: datever = False dt ='%Y%m%d-1') if ('git', 'hg', 'bzr', 'svn', 'cvs', 'darcs'))): if vcsup and not in ignorelist: upgradable.append([, lpkg.version, dt]) elif in ignorelist: DS.log.warning( "{0} ignored for upgrade/downgrade.".format( else: DS.log.warning('{0} is -[vcs], ignored for ' 'downgrade.'.format( elif datever: if vcsup and not in ignorelist: upgradable.append([, lpkg.version, dt]) elif in ignorelist: DS.log.warning( "{0} ignored for upgrade/downgrade.".format( else: DS.log.warning('{0} version is a date, ignored ' 'for downgrade.'.format( else: downgradable.append([, lpkg.version, rpkg.version]) return [upgradable, downgradable, ignored]
[docs]def auto_upgrade(downgrade=False, vcsup=False, fetchonly=False, ignorelist=None): """ Human friendly upgrade question and output. Returns packages — should be passed over to builder functions. """'Ran auto_upgrade.') print(':: ' + _('Synchronizing package databases...')) foreign = gather_foreign_pkgs() upgradable, downgradable, ignored = list_upgradable( foreign.keys(), vcsup, ignorelist=ignorelist) print(':: ' + _('Starting full system upgrade...')) for i in ignored: print(_("warning: {0}: ignoring package upgrade ({1} => {2})").format( *i)) if downgradable: for i in downgradable: if downgrade: msg = _('warning: {0}: downgrading from version {1} ' 'to version {2}').format(*i) else: msg = _('warning: {0}: local ({1}) is newer than aur ' '({2})').format(*i) print(msg) if downgrade: upgradable = upgradable + downgradable if not upgradable: print(' ' + _('there is nothing to do')) return [] upgnames = [i[0] for i in upgradable] upgstrings = [i[0] + '-' + i[2] for i in upgradable] verbosepkglists = DS.config.getboolean('options', 'verbosepkglists') if upgradable: targetstring = _('Targets ({0}):').format(len(upgradable)) + ' ' termwidth = pkgbuilder.ui.get_termwidth() if termwidth is None and verbosepkglists: # Pacman doesn’t allow tables if the terminal is too small. # And since we don’t know the size, better safe than sorry. verbosepkglists = False DS.log.warning('VerbosePkgLists disabled, cannot ' 'determine terminal width') termwidth = termwidth or 9001 if verbosepkglists: headers = [_('Name'), _('Old Version'), _('New Version')] items = upgradable # Magical. sizes = [len(i) for i in headers] for n, ov, nv in items: if len(n) > sizes[0]: sizes[0] = len(n) if len(ov) > sizes[1]: sizes[1] = len(ov) if len(nv) > sizes[2]: sizes[2] = len(nv) fstring = ('{{i[0]:<{s[0]}}} {{i[1]:<{s[1]}}} ' '{{i[2]:<{s[2]}}}').format(s=sizes) if len(fstring.format(i=4 * ['n'])) > termwidth: verbosepkglists = False DS.log.warning('VerbosePkgLists disabled, terminal is ' 'not wide enough') # string stolen from pacman print(_('warning: insufficient columns available for ' 'table display')) else: print('\n{0}\n'.format(targetstring.strip())) print(fstring.format(i=headers)) print() for i in items: print(fstring.format(i=i)) # Not using else because there is a fallback if the terminal # is too small. if not verbosepkglists: print(pkgbuilder.ui.hanging_indent( ' '.join(upgstrings), targetstring, termwidth, True)) print() if fetchonly: query = ':: ' + _('Fetch the packages? [Y/n] ') else: query = ':: ' + _('Proceed with installation? [Y/n] ') if DS.confirm: yesno = input(query) if yesno.lower().strip().startswith('y') or yesno.strip() == '': return upgnames else: return [] else: # Print the query and then return immediately, pacman does that too print(query) return upgnames